Diversity Program and Fellowship Opportunities

NCM recognizes the importance of diversity and inclusion in fostering a thriving scientific community. NCM has established a number of program to help further the diversity within the motor control community.

NCM Diversity Fellowship

 The fellowship program for under-represented minorities is intended for trainees (graduate students or post-docs) and faculty members of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement.  The fellowship will cover the cost of registration plus $500 towards travel.  Additional funds can be provided should there be a barrier to attendance due to insufficient funds.  Should this be the case, please submit a statement of need with rough costs.

To be eligible, applicants must contribute to the diversity of meeting attendees. This diversity could be that of:

  • Under-represented minorities in terms of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or persons with mental or physical disabilities.
  • Attendees from developing countries that face financial barriers to attendance.

Preference will be given to applicants seeking assistance to attend their first NCM Meeting.

To apply, please send an email with a single pdf file to the NCM Secretariat describing how you would provide diversity to the NCM community and why attending the meeting would be beneficial to you. Include a brief CV and a statement about how often you’ve participated in the annual meeting, and in what capacity. Support is limited and applications will be considered and awards will be made until funds are exhausted.

Successful recipients are expected to present their research at the annual meeting either through an oral or a poster presentation.

All statements on diversity will be kept confidential and only shared among the NCM Executive responsible for review and decisions.


Apply for Diversity Fellowship

Send the NCM Secretariat your fellowship application document in one PDF file by clicking below

Support for Faculty at Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions

Faculty members conducting research into motor control at Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions are eligible for a fellowship of $1500.  Up to three fellowships will be offered for the 2025 Annual Meeting.

To apply for this fellowship, send a CV and a one page statement of interest, which should cover how your research pertains to motor control as one pdf file to the NCM Secretariat.  Recipients are expected to present their research at the Annual meeting.

Deadline for Predominantly Undergraduate Institution Fellowship Application is February 17, 2025 and acceptances decisions will be made upon submission of documents.  The fellowships will be awarded on a first come, first served basis.


Apply for support for faculty at PUIs

To apply for this fellowship, send the NCM Secretariat your application by clicking the link below

Family Care Grants

NCM is pleased to provide a Family Care Grant Program designed to support attendees who incur extra family care expenses incurred either at the meeting, or at home (e.g., additional daycare, babysitting or nanny services, increased care service support for elder care, or care of a family member with disabilities) as a result of attending the annual meeting. Grants up to $500 will be offered to help defray those additional expenses. Receipts or proof of payment of those expenses will be required for reimbursement following the annual meeting.

Eligibility and terms

  • All attendees with one or more dependent who requires childcare, elder care, or care due to disability are eligible for this grant
  • Financial need should be expressed in application
  • Grant recipients must be registered for the Annual Meeting
  • Only one parent/caregiver for a given family may apply

Supported expenses include increased expenses at home due to the NCM attendee not being present (for example:  Overtime services for a nanny, additional babysitting, or increased care service support) during the annual meeting and in the immediate travel days before or after. The family care grant can also be used to subsidize the airfare of a care giver to travel to the Annual Meeting destination, or the home of the NCM attendee, to provide care for the dependent, allowing the NCM attendee to participate fully in the meeting.

An allowable expense also includes services to support nursing parents during the meeting, including the Milk Stork system, or other similar programs.


Unallowable expenses include, but are not limited to, attendee meeting travel, family member registration on excursions or meals, pet care expenses, and family care not related to the meeting attendance (monthly care).

To apply, please send an email with a single pdf file to the NCM Secretariat with a statement describing how a Family Care Grant would benefit your ability to attend the NCM annual meeting, why financial support is required, and including a brief CV.

Applications will be considered and awards will be made until funds are exhausted.

Apply for Family Care Grant

Send the NCM Secretariat your grant application document in one pdf file by clicking below

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