Virtual Poster Presenter Guidelines

Poster Guidelines

Poster information will be available for the duration of the meeting for review by the delegates and each poster will be assigned a specific poster session in which the presenting author is expected to be available for questions and discussion.

Poster presenters will be assigned a virtual poster booth that is searchable within the system and allows poster presenters and delegates to communicate via video chat, private text chats or in global text chats for all who stop by the poster to view.  Due to time zone constraints, messages may be left via chat outside of poster hours and we recommend checking your booth to reply as required.

NCM will also be using a networking platform to help facilitate ease of communication during the scheduled poster sessions and to replicate the poster hall environment.  Poster presenters will be able to share their screens to review components of their poster.  We have found that a few slides may be more helpful than the full poster if you choose to screen share.  The platform will allow presenters and delegates to move freely within the space with identified areas for discussion on certain topics.  Further information regarding access to the networking space will be shared with conference delegates closer to the meeting date.

Your previously submitted poster abstract and author list will automatically be uploaded to the software system that is being used and you will be forwarded an unique link to access and update your virtual poster.

Kindly prepare the following for your poster:

  • A short 3- 5 minute pre-recorded video of your poster, summarizing the key points is highly recommended
  • PDF of your poster for inclusion on the virtual platform or a series of slides saved as a pdf (please note the dimensions of the poster can be whatever works for you as delegates will be able to download and zoom in on areas of interest)
  • Any additional materials you’d like to include as handouts/supplementary material


Virtual Presentation Recording

Below are some pointers on how best record to video your presentation.

To record your presentation, you are permitted to use any platform you are most comfortable with, however we have outlined two options below, which are user-friendly and free to use.

Details regarding how to upload the poster presentation material have been shared via email and can be found here. 

The deadline for uploading your poster video is April 12, 2021.  After this date you can still upload poster data but other delegates will have access to view the material.


Think of the virtual Gather space as the ‘onsite’ Conference lobby and poster hall, where you can bump into colleagues and friends, have chance encounters with other conference attendees and strike up conversations with your fellow researchers, just like you would at an in-person event.
The Gather space will be available 24h and open to all attendees to meet for small informal group gatherings. The capacity for larger gatherings will be available only for the official social and poster times listed in the program.


NCM will use as a way for delegates to interact with each other in a video environment, similar to a poster hall.  Poster presenters can share their screen to show parts of their research, groups of people can listen to a poster presenter, smaller group conversations can occur and chat messages can also be shared.


Please note, only registered delegates will have access to the environment.